Sawbuck has been involved in several different audio documentary projects, mainly for public radio. From 2008-2010, Greg was a regular contributor to Chicago Public Radio (WBEZ 91.5 FM). Through this collaboration Greg produced and directed stories on Chicago's "criminal underground," focusing on drug use, drug sales, addiction and recovery, gang activity, violence, and prostitution.

An Embedded Sociologist
June 10, 2008
"Today, we're kicking off an ongoing collaboration with sociologist and documentary filmmaker Greg Scott. For more than a decade, Scott has been hanging out in abandoned warehouses and on street corners to learn about what motivates drug dealers, gang members, prostitutes and thieves. He's captured many of these people's lives and thoughts on tape, and will be sharing their stories with us. Over the next few months, we'll learn about trends in the drug market, violent crimes and sex work, as well as some unlikely drug and gun traders.
The stories are meant to shed some light on these underground subcultures of Chicago, and their broader impact on all of us. A lot of Greg Scott's work will take us into one particular little-known community here in the city of neighborhoods."

The Overdose Market
June 11, 2008
Today, Eight Forty-Eight begins a series exploring the underground economy and culture of Chicago. Sociologist Greg Scott will bring us stories of addicts, dealers, prostitutes, johns and the police officers working the beat. In part one of this series, we look at perhaps the most dangerous situation a drug user might face: the overdose. A warning to our listeners: this story contains candid descriptions of heroin use, and audio from an actual overdose Scott witnessed while working a documentary film.
Dr. Greg Scott is an Associate Professor in DePaul University's Department of Sociology, and a documentary filmmaker. In part two of this story, he'll report on the drug that can save a junkie's life.

Controversial Drug Saves Overdosing Addicts
July 2, 2008
Contributing to the violent and volatile mix on the streets is a thriving drug trade. But some say more aggressive policing is not the way the city should be fighting its drug problem. Sociologist Greg Scott of DePaul University has been bringing us stories from inside the drug economy. From Scott's point of view, many of the most important questions about drug policy relate to public health, not just criminal justice. What do you do with a drug that can save an addict's life, but perhaps make it harder for him or her to kick the habit? Greg Scott has more on the controversy over Narcan.

The Brickyard: The Code
July 21, 2008
On any given day, somewhere between 15 and 150 drug addicts can be found haunting the dusty ground of a legit brick salvage company at Cicero Avenue. This is the community known as the Brickyard. Like other areas in the city of neighborhoods, The Brickyard has its own history, culture, economy; its own social structure and hierarchy. Today, sociologist Greg Scott shows the first of several portraits of this place, its residents, and the code by which they live. Learning to abide by that code is, for many, a matter of life and death.

Brickyard Residents and Drug Counselors Address Treatment Options
June 26, 2009
Greg Scott: Sociology professor at DePaul University in Chicago, and the reporter and producer of the series.
Jamie: Mother of three, grandmother to four children, heroin and crack cocaine addict for more than 20 years, worked as a prostitute to maintain her habit.
Steve: Married to Pam, two of the last three residents of the Brickyard.
Jeff: Lived in the Brickyard for a year and a half. He's a self-titled professional crackhead.
Jacque Elder: A licensed drug counselor, and professor in the drug addictions study program at Governors State University in University Park
Kelvy Brown: Director of Substance Abuse and Tobacco Control Programs for the Chicago Department of Public Health

Contributor Greg Scott Reflects on Life at The Brickyard
July 10, 2009
For the past year, sociologist Greg Scott had been bringing you stories about the junkies, prostitutes, drug dealers and thieves that made their home in a brick salvage yard on Chicago's far west side for the series The Brickyard. Greg has captured their struggle to reconcile their past lives with their current addictions. Greg reflects on life at The Brickyard.